Member Services
The services provided by the VJA include:
Negotiating the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) with Racing Victoria that sets out remuneration, working conditions, licensing requirements, support services and obligations for registered jockeys.
Provide regular communication with members through SMS, email and electronic newsletters.
Assist and facilitate fit-for-purpose insurance policies for jockeys.
Ongoing liaison with Racing Victoria and other key industry stakeholders on matters impacting the collective VJA members.
Supporting the establishment, ongoing provision, and improvements of the Jockeys’ Assistance Program that provides confidential mental health and wellbeing support to members, past jockeys and their immediate family members.
Identifying and pursuing sponsorship opportunities to support member services.
Providing transition support for jockeys retiring or ceasing to ride due to injury.
Conducting the AGM each year for the appointment of Directors.
Chief Executive Officer: Matthew Hyland
Telephone: 0408 753 951
Operations Officer: Matt Pumpa
Telephone: 0418 110 950
Past Riders Support Officer: Des O’Keeffe
Telephone: 0412 554 155